Keeping the Olympic flame burning bright

Keeping the Olympic flame burning bright
KES winning gold medals at burger eating, sweet shop lock ins and, er, rugby

"Stick to 4-4-2 ?" Fabio Powell ponders his next move

Friday 16 July 2010

It's Friday...I think

Arrived safely at our hotel in downtown Seattle, the very English sounding Red Lion Hotel. As I write, the boys are stirring themselves for breakfast, ready for the harbour tour at 11am. We play our first game this evening against the Seattle Vikings. "Fabio" Powell is keeping his cards close to his chest with respect to selection, as we are also fielding a team in tomorrow's sevens tournament at the same venue. Will he go with the (newly) blonde bombshell Charlie Kickham at 10, or will it be Andy P ? Big Daddy Sylvester at 8, or will he leave the skipper under wraps until the sevens get under way ? The sporting cognesenti in Seattle are buzzing. We will know the line up in a few short hours - round about 2am, our time. It may be that the coach just picks anyone who is still awake...

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