Keeping the Olympic flame burning bright

Keeping the Olympic flame burning bright
KES winning gold medals at burger eating, sweet shop lock ins and, er, rugby

"Stick to 4-4-2 ?" Fabio Powell ponders his next move

Saturday 24 July 2010

News from Whistler

The KES rugby tour has swept on through British Columbia, remaining undefeated after two more impressive performances on Vancouver Island. Your KES blogger must apologise for the time lapse since the last post, but he has spent a lot of time staring at Sproat lake (pronounced "Sprout", which kills some of its mystique),a beauty spot frequented by John Wayne, Cary Grant, Adam Wilkinson and other Hollywood greats. But entirely free of wireless free...
KES v Crimson Tide @Oak Bay,Victoria BC
Strange as it may seem, KES owe a lot to their defence in beating "the Tide" by 55 points to nil. The match was not as easy as the scoreline appears, and in a ferocious opening quarter it was the KES defence that stopped the opposition gaining any momentum. A beautifully executed backs move orchestrated by man of the match Charlie Kickham put Adam Wilkinson over for a try, and the deadlock was broken. KES went in to the half time interval 17-0 up. The game was essentially made safe by a superb passage of rugby rounded off by Dylan Saunders right under the posts. We had turned the tide.
KES v Port Alberni
A young looking KES team overcame an initially determined Port Alberni side. Captained by Jamie Judd in his last game for the school, the forwards built a platform for Rhodri Adamson to release his backs. This was backed up by some excellent kicking by Will Thompson. James Cresswell put in a man of the match performance in the back row, matching the home team's physicality hit for hit. KES eventually ran out winners by 65 points to nil.
Our next game sees up against the Merolomas club, who are rumoured to be the toughest of all our fixtures.

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